All players who join our community must follow these rules or face punishment in the form of a warn, jail, kick, or ban (or as determined by the owner). Attempting to find loopholes in the rules that allow you to break any of the rules will only worsen your punishment, as well say saying “I didn’t know it was a rule.
For all staff: You MUST know these rules. It's fine if you don't have them memorized, but if you are a higher staff member you MUST KNOW THESE.
Common DarkRP Terms + Definitions: OOC - Out Of Character. NLR - New Life Rule FDA - Fading Door Abuse LTAP - Leaving To Avoid Punishment
RDM: RDM, as will be explained in Section 1, is the act of starting a random Death Match with a player without valid RP reasons. This includes kills made in Death Pits and Purges (If a staff member starts a purge, please report it and whoever joined in to us), etc.
NLR: NLR only applies to raids so no one can go back and kill raiders or so raiders can not come back and kill defenders after death. If you are killed in the street, you may go back. If you are killed while raiding, do not go anywhere near the base, even to watch.
Metagaming: This is when you use knowledge known to the user but not to the RP character to gain an advantage. No one has name tags or job tags above their heads in real life, so you may not assume a Meth Cook has meth in their base, even if their job is “Meth Cook”.
Failure to Advert/Failure to Wait Advert Cooldown : Advert cooldown varies per scenario, i.e. Raiding cooldown is 10 minutes, but kidnap cooldown is 5 minutes. If you fail to wait advert cooldown (FWCD), you will be punished with a 300 second jail + 60 seconds for each person you had killed.
Random Death Match (RDM) and Random Arrest (RDA) are not allowed and will be punished with a 300 second jail and warn.
If you RDA you will be demoted ( rp_citizen ) from your job.
If you Mass RDM’d or Mass RDA it will be extended to a one week ban.
Leaving to avoid punishment (LTAP) is punishable by a 3 day ban.
Adverting crossfire is admitting to RDM and if in a sit will be punished as such.
Any form of Prop Minge (spamming, flinging around, moving prop while it is stuck to make players screen shake, etc.) is not allowed and will be punished with a warn, and if you continue, a kick and then a day ban.
Repeated DDoS threats will result in you being permanently banned from the server.
Attempting to crash the server by any means will result in you being permanently banned from NextRP.
Exploitation of props, entities, or any ingame bug or defect is punishable.
There is a list of what is bannable in Section 6.
Racial slurs are allowed, but if used excessively you will be muted/gagged for five minutes and if excessive racism continues, you will be banned for a day.
Using loopholes in the rules to avoid punishment is UNACCEPTABLE. If you find any loopholes please post them in #suggestion on Discord ( for them to be fixed! If you try to abuse a loophole you will be banned for two weeks.
Making zones for a deathmatch or purge/using the zones will result in a 1 week ban.
Building in spawn tunnels is not allowed by any class and doing so intentionally will result in permanent ban.
You may not have a KOS sign or line unless you have a shop and don’t want past certain area(s), or you have a megabase (see section Article 2 Section 1 for details) if you have one you will be asked to remove it, and if you fail to comply the staff member will remove it.
Do not sell or advertise ingame items or money for real money. The only exception to this is if you are selling your Custom Class, or the ownership of your Custom Class.
Scamming people in any way is not allowed, if you do not return the items when confronted, you will be permanently banned.
Certain forms of harassment are NOT tolerated such as : Constant Targeting of another player such as by using Adverts or Hits to constantly harm them or Constant Harassment where it's ensured that the person is constantly not leaving you alone and just staying in proximity of you to just annoy/irritate you.
If you’re muted and you spam admin chat, you will be banned for 1 day.
All binds that are not related MUST have it’s own bind, i.e. Raid/Party Raid, PD raid, Counter, Warnings, and Over/False binds.
Be specific when calling sits, not just “Admin to me!” or “RDM”. If you put detail into your report it is more likely to be noticed and taken by a staff member.
Spamming admin chat chat with useless sits, or asking non-game related questions will result in a 5 minute mute, and if done after that a 1 day ban.
If you leave your own sit, FOR ANY REASON, the case will be closed and the player in question will not be punished.
The accuser has to provide evidence that the other person broke the rules, not the defendant.
If the accuser wants defendant punished (and he/she broke the rule) staff reserve the right to reduce their jail time by up to 240 seconds (down to 60 seconds).If the accuser calls a sit and didn’t want the person punished, the defendant will ALWAYS receive a warning, this is to keep up with players who actively break rules. Additionally, if the accuser does not want the defendant punished the staff member is still allowed to punish him as he/she sees fit.
When you are warned by a staff member, you did something wrong. You will typically be jailed alongside a warn unless the person who made the report asks for just the warn.
A single warn will stay active for up to two hours.If you get three (3) consecutive warns in a two hour period, the server automatically will kick you.If you get five (5) consecutive warns in a two hour period, the server will automatically ban you for two hours.
The system logs your warns, so staff members are able to better judge a situation and deal appropriate punishment for constant rule breaking.
If you get too many warnings overall you will be dealt a different set of punishments:
If you get 20 total warns you will be banned for one (1) day.
If you get 45 total warns you will be banned for three (3) days.
If you get 60 total warns you will be banned for one (1) week.
If you get 75 total warns you will be banned for one (1) month.
If you somehow get 100 total warns you will PERMANENTLY banned.
You may not have a Blackout Bases. This is a base that is made out of ENTIRELYBLACKPROPS (This excludes other colors)with the intent to cause the raiding party to become disoriented and unable to complete their raid. If you have one you will be asked to fix it and the raid will continue. If you fail to do so, the staff will delete portions of your base to allow the player to finish the raid.
You may not have maze bases.
You may not have a crouch, jump or parkour base.
You may not have a head glitch base.
You CANNOT have a kill box, i.e. having a base just for the pure intention of killing players via leaving your door open, offering free stuff and then killing them, etc. You will be punished the same as RDM, or even Mass RDM.
Skybases are allowed, but MUST have a clear way to get up and MUST follow all other basing rules. You may not have a Skybase for the pure intention of causing lag (via using materials that have constant moving/color changes. You may not have a fading door on your ramp, and you may not have trapped areas to the skybase.
One way props are allowed.
Buttons are allowed, but you are not allowed to use them for traps.
You may have a building sign to prevent you from being raided, kidnapped or mug while you are in your base. HOWEVER you may not have ANY money making entities (includes meth, opium, bitminers, bitracks, printers, etc.) in your base, EVEN IF THEY ARE NOT ACTIVELY MAKING MONEY! You must also be building to have the building sign up (duh), leaving up building signs for a prolonged is UNACCEPTABLE.
Anyone basing with you must be added to ALL the doors or they will not be considered active residents of the base, meaning they are not allowed to defend the base unless they counter.
Anyone inside your base that you did not allow is KOS by default. HOWEVER, You may NOT have a base just just to wait for people to come in so you can kill them. This is considered a kill box.
Article 2; Section 1 - Megabase Rules ~~~NOTICE: All rules from Section 2 apply to megabases, with some modifications (As seen below).
A megabase is when a party of SIX or MORE players block off a whole district (i.e. Industrial, Suburbs, etc.) via the tunnel.
All players in the party must be the owner of at least 1 door.
You cannot make a megabase in the Park (Area with only two bases and two trees on either side of the walled in area with benches), and Downtown (for obvious reasons).
If there are already bases where you want to megabase, you will either need the occupants to join your party and full access to the megabase, or buy their base from them.
If they do not leave, then you MUST find a different place to megabase, as it will be considered prop block.
You may not block off the whole tunnel while megabasing, it has to either be at the end of the tunnel, or in the middle of the tunnel.
You are allowed to have up to SIX fading doors for your megabase entrance, PLUS three per base.
You may have a KOS sign/line in the middle of what is left of the tunnel.
If someone damages your party member, you may kill that person. BUT you many only kill them if you see it, if you kill them without seeing it it will be considered “Metagaming” and will be punished like RDM. If a party member is kidnapped or mugged, you do NOT need to advert counter.
Green Text = Can perform Red Text = Cannot perform Orange Text = See description of category ------------------------------------ CIVILIANS:( Base | Megabase | Raid | Counter | Mug | Revolt | Kidnap ) The civilians are just the basic classes that aren’t too over the top. Just do civilian things.
Personal Guard MUST change their name to “[Player]’s Guard”.
Donald Trump may only put his walls in the tunnels and may only charge up to $500 per person. They may, however, charge more for lifetime access or keypad codes.
Donald Trump May NOT put any walls in the spawn tunnels.
Pets may only use the weapons they spawn with, nothing else.
Hobos may build in the streets as long as their base/build isn't intrusive or blocking the road. You may also have entities, but be warned, this opens your hobo base up to raids.
CIVIL PROTECTION: ( Base | Megabase | Raid | Counter | Mug | Revolt | Kidnap ) You protect the citizens of the city from crime. You do not need to call counter, as you are not vigilante. Megabase is in orange since SWAT HQ is a megabase ONLY for SWAT. Regular Cops may not make a base. Base is also in orange since the Mayor does not need to base in the PD and follows Civil Protection Ruleset.
Secret Service must protect the Mayor at all times.
You may not make AOS laws such as but not limited to "AOS if guns out" or "AOS if crouching", if you want something illegal put some effort into it.
You may not arrest someone for being in a specific part of the map unless it is a Police Headquarters and they are raiding!
You may not kill anyone who is arrested or continuously arrest them to keep them in jail.
Kidnappers must advert kidnap. Failure to do so will be punished as Failure to Advert.
Kidnapping classes may not kidnap anyone who has a building sign and is building inside or around the base being built
Kidnappers are allowed to charge 10 thousand for ransom to let a player go.
DEALERS: ( Base | Megabase | Raid | Counter | Mug | Revolt | Kidnap ) Make a shop and sell weapons to the populace. All dealer rules are the same. Base is in orange since their "base" is their shop.
Charles Manson (along with the rest of the Manson Family) can kidnap ONE PERSON every 10 minutes. Only one member of the family (if there are multiple members) may kidnap someone, and if anyone else in the family kidnaps someone afterwards that will be considered a cooldown violation. After 5 minutes of the individual being kidnapped, they must be killed.
Exploits are when a user abuses faults or oversights in the game’s code or a tool/weapon to gain an advantage over others. Common exploits:
Looking through to see what’s in a warehouse.
Sitting on a prop and getting someone to precision tool it into a base.
Money duping and item duping via Inventory Pickup.
Changing lightsaber model to anything other than the default preset ones.
Using your lightsaber to exploit through walls to kill people.
No-colliding props to fly through someone's props/base. (i.e. Making a bench no-collide and flying into a base with it.)
Exploits will result in a Verbal Warning the first time.
If problem persists it will result in a week to two week ban.
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Your binds must be clear, you cannot put all binds into one, each advert listed below MUST have a seperate bind.
If you don't you will be jailed for 300 seconds + 60 seconds for each person killed.
What is an “Advert”?: An advert is a way of informing people of your actions through a global chat, these rules describe the basics of different adverts and a basic message you need to type when adverting ,but you may add personalized text to the advert (i.e. “/advert I’m gonna steal your corn (Raid)”,”/advert Give me 2k in 10 seconds or I still your corn (Mug)”, etc.)
Raid: “Raiding” is the act of breaking into another player’s base to steal or destroy money/entities.
You must be outside of a players base to initiate a raid, and from there you may kill any player inside the base.
Anyone assisting must do “/advert Assist”.
Once all occupants are killed, you may only continue the raid for five minutes.
The cooldown per individual raid is 10 minutes, raiding before then will be considered Failure to Wait Advert Cooldown.
After raiding a base you may not raid the same base for another 15 minutes.
The only time you may raid hobos if they have entites in their base.
When you call raid, you must initiate the raid by either breaking into the base, or destroying an entity of some kind.
Calling Raid just to kill someone and call over will result be punished as RDM.
Mug: When mugging, you must advert your mug, i.e. “/advert MUG drop (amount) in 10 seconds or die”.
After the advert, you MUST verbally alert the user that you are mugging them.
The maximum amount you are allowed to mug a player is 3.5k.
If you do not give them proper time to comply, i.e. you kill them before 10 seconds it will be considered RDM and treated as such.
You must wait 5 minutes between each mug, not doing so will be considered Failure to Wait Advert Cooldown.
Revolt: Fed up with the Mayor? Do a revolt and kill him!
You must have a valid reason to revolt such as laws, Mayor not doing his job, or corrupt government.
The basic advert for a revolt would be “/advert Revolt, [insert reason here]”.
You must wait 15 minutes in between each revolt, not doing so will be considered Failure to Wait Advert Cooldown.
PD Raid: The same as a regular raid, however, you must make it clear that it is a PD Raid and not a regular raid in your advert.
There must be at least two police and a Mayor on for a PD Raid to occur.
NLR Applies to all Civil Protection killed at the PD.
You must wait 10 minutes inbetween each PD Raid, not doing so will be considered Failure to Wait Advert Cooldown.
Jailbreak (PARTY ONLY): If your party member is arrested, and your current class has an unarrest baton, you may do “/advert Jailbreak” and free them.
You many only kill cops who are in PD during this period, and must wait 10 minutes in between each Jailbreak, not doing so will be considered Failure to Wait Advert Cooldown.
Counter: The counter advert allows you to stop crimes that you have personally seen.
This can be a mug, a raid, a kidnap, or any other adverted criminal acts.
Doing “/advert Counter” allows you to stop these crimes and has no cooldown (crime never sleeps, so why should you?).
Warn: If someone is harassing you, and not leaving you alone you can do “/advert Warn 1/2/3” three times in a row, three seconds a part (9 seconds in total).
You MUST have a valid RP reason to do this, you cannot go into crowds or up to random players and do this to get free kills.
You cannot kill the person warning you, it will be considered RDM.
Abusing warns will result in a 1 day ban for No Intent to Role Play.
Kidnap: To advert kidnap, you advert by doing “/advert Kidnap”.
You can only hold a prisoner for up to 10 minutes, and you must wait 5 minutes between each kidnap, not doing so will be considered Failure to Wait Advert Cooldown. You can charge up to 10k in ransom for a player to get released.
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No invisible player models.
No player models with broken hitboxes.
No player models so small that you can’t see/shoot them.
HeadAdmins+ are able to force you to change your player model when they see fit (so long as their reason doesn't go against the rules.)
Your player model must be as tall as this:
but shorter and less in width than the tunnel
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With the exploiting and "loopholing" of certain weapons comes the formal use of the new section "Section 9: Specific Weapon Rules". It is used for key rules that stop players from behaving to the extent of using them for just causing chaos or straying from the weapons original intended use.
The C4 SWEP is only allowed to be used during raids
The bludgeon is only to be used for kidnapping. You may not knock random people out in the street with no intention of bringing them back to your base.